Psalm 19 & 20: My Redeemer
Verse of the Day: (19:14) Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
1. Rejoicing (19:1-8)
The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes. (19:8)
Are you depressed? Look to the Lord and believe in Him as only He can redeem our souls so that we shall always be rejoicing in our hearts as we are heavenward bound. The awesome creation of God’s handiwork as well as His holy Word encouraged and inspired King David to keep on leading and motivating his people of Israel amid many crises and challenges the likes of betrayal and defeats at the battlefields, rebellion of his children, etc., that many times made him disappointed and even depressed. Indeed, let us appreciate God’s creation and Word as we keep rejoicing in Him in good or bad times, as even in death we never die but only sleep, as we will wake up and see Jesus, our Saviour and Lord, face to face in glorious heaven when we truly believe in Him. (Philippians 4:4)
2. Redeeming (19:9-14)
More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. (19:10)
Every time when David was discouraged he would prayed to God and read and meditate His Word and commandments in his heart as he highly regarded them more than fine gold, and sweeter than honey and honeycomb, as he encouraged himself in God. He recalled and reminisced the time when their enemies, the Amalekites, defeated them and destroyed their homes and took their wives and children, and his men planned to stone him to death as they blamed his leadership, but God saved him, as he encouraged himself in Him. (1 Samuel 30:1-6) Indeed, Jesus Christ is our Strength and Redeemer, who has redeemed and reconciled us to God, His Father, by His precious blood, and has made us as His kings and priests to reign on His new earth for all eternity. (Revelation 5:9-14)
3. Remembering (20:1-9)
Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God. (20:7)
Though David was the king of Israel, the most powerful country in the entire world at that time, yet he proclaimed that he would only remember and trust in the name of the Lord, God of Israel, and not on his powerful chariots and horses, and his mighty army. He knew that his God shall hear and save him as he call upon Him, and would raise him up one day to His eternal home in heaven. Let us thus remember Jesus, our Redeemer, as only He can truly save our souls from hell, and promote us to heaven. (2 Timothy 2:8-15)
Prayer of the Day:
Dearest God, thank You that You are my Strength and Redeemer amid life storms.