Proverbs 5 & 6: God’s Commandment
Verse of the Day: (6:23) For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life:
1. God’s Children (5:1-23)
Hear me now therefore, O ye children, and depart not from the words of my mouth. (5:7)
King Solomon of Israel, inspired by the Holy Spirit, wrote this passage to his son, in anguish and regrets, because he committed idolatry and immorality, which God had warned him never to do them. (1 Kings 11) Time and again, God commanded His children to obey Him yet they refused to obey Him since the beginning of time, as in the first couple, Adam and Eve. (Genesis 2-3) However, God has a redemption plan for man, in that while we are sinners, Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, died for the sins of the whole world. Whoever therefore believes in Jesus, shall never perish in hell, but have everlasting life with Him in heaven. (Romans 5) Indeed, let us as God’s children live out our lives by obeying His commandments, and we shall abide with Him forever. (1 John 2)
2. God’s Commandment (6:1-24)
My son, keep thy father’s commandment, and forsake not the law of thy mother: (6:20)
At the end of Solomon’s life, he reflected his life through God’s Word, and discovered that he did not truly apply what God commanded him to do. He was slack in his leadership and service to God as he indulged in idolatry and immorality destroying not only his testimony, but also his family and kingdom. God through Solomon commanded Israel and Christians today, the 7 types of people whom He hates; a proud man, a liar, a murderer, a wicked man, a mischievous man, a false witness and a man who sows discord. Tragically, Solomon carelessly and recklessly transgressed against God’s commandments, and he reaped the consequences of his sins, as his family was divided and in disarray, and his kingdom was subsequently subdued by his enemies. Indeed, let us not only love and obey God in word, but in deed, keeping and obeying His commandments. (1 John 3)
3. God’s Contentment (6:25-35)
He will not regard any ransom; neither will he rest content, though thou givest many gifts. (6:35)
The thing that God commanded Solomon not to do, was the thing he did, when he committed adultery. He fell into the lust of his flesh and pride. This is why God commands man to flee from the lust of the flesh and pride, and be contented with our wife, as godliness with contentment is great gain. Indeed, let us flee from the lust of our flesh and the love of money, and follow after God and His commandment. (1 Timothy 6)
Prayer of the Day:
Dearest God, please help me to fully trust and obey You and Your commandment.